Sunday 20 March 2011

Platinum Studios Pt2

Back once again like a renegade master. A.i. that is...what,what?.
OK, i'm gunna get my second rant on now, about the excellent studio: Platinum Games.
 I went to blockbuster to get a game, because they had a good sale on and i'd just bought dragon age, its good, but the lord of the rings setting and the same fucking set up as mass effect and KOTOR and that shit one they, Jade empire.(as in, your always basically, a Jedi,)It put me off. so i took it back. Now, i'd got a few films out when i'd bought the game, but of course i took them back late. so i'm there in the shop with a fine to pay and whats worse i cant get the full amount on the swap for the i'm thinking ill just go and have a look and get a shit game from a shit shop that takes the piss with fucking charging money when i cant be arsed to bring back a film. Turns out i got the best game i could get.
One of the fundamental basics law of nature is: Resident Evil 4 = Fucking Awesome.
Thats one Prf Coxx isn't gunnna tell ya.
So when the Director off that game made a return to the 3rd person shooter, shamone! , it was always going to be epic.

Just to give you a really quick low down on the story, your Sam a dude dressed in a high tec battle suit. Your trying to protect somting or other because somthing going down and you, with the highly original supporting cast, have to stop it. HU RAH!
So thats the story! its a bit lame, but thats not whats great about Vanquish, its the afore mentioned battle suit.
Only in Vanquish can you pull of a move were you boost across the floor, on your knees, while shooting
in slow motion, at a gigantic  mechanized monster. Only then to grab some cover to watch the behemoth fall
over, spaz out, then blow up. 
Its the boosting thats the major edition to a standard set up. the boosting means you never have those down time moments between the combat. Well, that is when you get used to how much boost you've got to use before your suit decides it had enough. For my money that moment comes all to soon. I loved the boost. But i kept running out,  all the time. I would get my self into a sweet position then boost my way out, pulling the trigger to activate the slow-mo, then its gone. I must have just been shit at it!.
This isn't the first innovation Shinji Mikami has brought to my living room either. Res 4 was bristling with new ideas, best of which, for me, was the camera. The fixed, locked, over the shoulder camera has become a staple for the 3rd person shooter. It might sound like a little thing, but i think thats what makes that game tense,because, you can look forward, but you cant see whats coming just behind you, always allowing for them moments when a zombie takes you by surprise. I've played Res 4 a lot and it still makes me jump when this happens.
Vanquish welcomes us to the Boost, like Resident Evil 4 introduced us to a decent camera. It looks like its here to stay to. With major new games like: Bulletstorm, Crisis 2 and kill zone 3 apparently having some kind of boost mechanic in there games.
Now at this point id like to remind myself of the last blog, were i wrote about another Platinum Games tiltle: Bayonetta. This game was awesome, but didn't sell to well. Compared to Vanquish though it smashed it.
As far as i can gather its sold 230,000 copy's. World wide! I bet you Crisis 2 sells more than that on its first weekend. probably on its first day.
But why is this?

The first blog. Platinum Games Pt1

So here it is merry christmas (its not xmas, thats just a song). the first a.i gaming blog.
Bringing you all the useless and irrelevant thoughts that spew from my over active mind.
Not one for long introductions, lets get straight into it.
As i wright this blog, playing over my large and masculine shoulder's is the opening sequences from the flag ship title from little know studio called platinum games.The title is Bayonetta. A fucking awesome game.
but its not really the quality of this game that i want to rant about, its the quality of the stuidio thats produced this game and 2 others.
Platinum games is a Japanese games studio, but not just any Japanese game studio. there Uber-Japanese.
Any one who has played Bayonetta will tell you how crazy the art style is, the gaming mechanics, everything is hardcore Japanese, and thats a very good thing.
 The Japanese had a big hand in creating the gaming semantics in the early days of the NES. you know what i mean, plumbers that dont do any plumbing, then run around uppercutting floating, flashing, question-marks that then spew out brightly colored mushrooms that either make you bigger or give you an extra life.
 Madness!But brilliant.
Thats what Bayonetta offers in spades. Good old fashioned crazy Japanese gaming.
So whats happened? why has know one bought this game?
With world wide sales of only 440,000. thats a bit shit for a game of such unrelenting class.
Its not like the game doesn't  have a good pedigree either, directed by the legendary Hideki Kamiya who has been involved in many a great game. For example Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry just to mention two of the big sellers. So whats happing in the gaming world and why aren't great games selling?
Well i think i have an answer for that. Gamers don't want games, they want games that that look, fell, sound like films. Think about it. All the biggest selling games bill themselves as being 'cinematic' or 'episodic'
and we have trilogy's of the greatest franchises. Just like films. Mass Effect even has a film grain effect to the graphics to make it look more cinematic. Rubbish. Games are games, thats the joy of them.
Don't get me wrong i like a gritty shooter that give you an excellent narrative. Or an in-depth space opera, with epic proportions.
But thats not what games do best. Games are at there best when there not parading around pretending to be something there not. Games are best when games are being games. and thats what Platinum studios is making.
